22nd Annual Event Day

Despite a seemingly endless number of other events taking place on the same day, the Greater Payson Moose Lodge #852 in Star Valley was able to pull of another , very successful, Barbie Hensler Memorial Toy Dive for the 22nd Year!

The chili was outstanding, second only to the incredible corn bread. The crowd was small, but still raised a very tidy sum of cash by participating heavily in the 50/50, raffle and silent auctions. We need to give a shout out to the Tonto Amateur Radio Association (TARA) that contributed over $400 to the event. And the toy boxes, which had been all over the Rim Country, kept coming in. Not to mention toys dropped off by individuals that came and went during the event.

The final tally today (with a bit more still to come) was 13 Bikes, 22 Large Boxes of Toys and Gifts, and over $6,000 raised.

We want to thank all the businesses that hosted toy collection boxes and / or made contributions to the toy drive. Please thank them the next time you see them.